Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A manifesto

So, I have to rant somewhere. I loved a friend. She was strong and lived her life largely, creatively, artistically. She canned. She welded her muffler. She built her own walls. She loved to read in front of her fire. Her house was universally seen as a welcoming place, a place where calmness, order, and homeyness was cool.

Then, her husband left, and her world changed. She lost 120 pounds in 6 months. She took up smoking. She also began moving men into her home (in 6 months, she is on number 2). Both men have been commanding and rude. When I visit her home, the spirit of the place has changed and I feel that the substance is gone. She no longer does the creative stuff. She hangs in bars and drinks. She says that this is really who she is, before she was unhappy, but she looks unhappy now. Her first preoccupation is her looks.

I feel as if I have lost her. Her home is no longer welcoming, but sad and empty. She does not have the sense of peace that I saw in her before.

Please, send good thoughts her way, and mine. I don't know how to be a friend to her now.

Christmas Season


The Christmas season is one of my favorite, for many reasons. This year has been both sweet and bitter. Here are some reasons:

1. My daughter is maturing into this incredably mature (though slightly scatterbrained at times) beautiful woman. We love her boyfriend and she is ambitious.

2. The long vacation from work is wonderful for me- we did not plan anthing, and I am enjoying reading, organizing my clothes and listening to soft music with a sleepy puppy on my lap.

3. My husband is ill with a bug- I am monitoring his tempature.

4. A dear friend has gone through some changes in her life, and it has changed her. She no longer is the person that I loved to share all with, or drew inspiration from.

5. My work atmosphere has gotten hectic, but our new supervisor is beginning to appreciate the work that my dear friend and I do. It is great to work with someone you respect and rely on.

6. My dear sister, who is going through a terminal illness, was able to share some time with me, and cried when I gave her my gift of homemade Christmas cookies. She reminded me that they were the ones our dear mother made, and that I have been making them for 40 years.

7. Next year, I am retiring from Cookie Baking - ha!

8. I feel incredibly grateful for a job, but most of all for a great family, who are truly supportive, and a loving husband.

9. Happy holidays to all!